# Serbian translation file. Each line should contain ## as 'end of line marker', you can put any comment or just leave english text after it, it is ignored. # Author: Ivan # Version: 464 Nema grešaka. ## No error. Sistem nije u stanju da nađe naznačeni fajl. ## The system cannot find the file specified. Sistem nije u stanju da nađe naznačenju putanju. ## The system cannot find the path specified. Sistem nije u stanju da nađe naznačenu putanju/fajl. ## The system cannot find the specified file/directory. Greška u kucanju. ## Type mismatch. Nemoguće je napraviti fajl/putanju kada isti fajl/putanja već postoji. ## Cannot create a file/directory when that file/directory already exists. Sistem nije u stanju da upisuje na naznačeni uređaj. ## The system cannot write to the specified device. Pogrešna vrednost Svojstva ## Invalid Property Value. Ova operacija je prekinuta zato što je period za tajmaut istekao. ## This operation returned because the timeout period expired. Signal na sistemskom nivou je prekinuo operaciju soketa. ## System level interrupt interrupted socket operation. Opšta greška za neodgovarajući format, loš format. ## Generic error for invalid format, bad format. Napravljen je pokušaj pristupa soketu koji suprotan dozvolama za pristup soketu. ## An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. Sistem je primetio neodgovarajuću adresu pokazivača u pozivu koji koristi pokazivač kao argument. ## The system detected an invalid pointer address in attempting to use a pointer argument in a call. Opšta greška za neodgovarajući format, unos, itd. ## Generic error for invalid format, entry, etc. Unesen je neodgovarajući argument. ## An invalid argument was supplied. Navedena IP adresa nije validna ili host na koga IP adresa upućuje ne postoji. ## The IP address provided is not valid or the host specified by the IP does not exist. Greška u priključku ili neuspešno povezivanje sa udaljenim računarom. ## Invalid socket or not connected to remote. Navedena IP adresa je već u upotrebi. ## The specified address is already in use. Navedena adresa nije slobodna. ## The specified address is not available. Mreža na koju ste se konektovali nije dostupna. ## The connected network is not available. Prikopčana mreža nije dostupna. ## The connected network is not reachable. Prikopčana mrežna veza je resetovana. ## The connected network connection has been reset. Trenutna veza je prekinuta od strane mreze ili distributera usluga. ## The current connection has been aborted by the network or intermediate services. Korišćeni priključak je resetovan. ## The current socket connection has been reset. Korišćeni priključak nije povezan. ## The current socket has not been connected. Veza je prekinuta. ## The connection has been shutdown. Trenutna konekcija je doživela tajmaut. ## The current connection has timeout. Zatražena konekcija je odbijena od strane udaljenog hosta ## The requested connection has been refused by the remote host. Navedeno ime hosta je predugačko. ## Specified host name is too long. Udaljeni host je trenutno odsutan. ## Remote host is currently unavailable. Udaljeni host je trenutno nedostupan ## Remote host is currently unreachable. Udaljeni sistem trenutno nije spreman. ## Remote system is not ready. Trenutna verzija priključaka nije podržana u programu. ## Current socket version not supported by application. API priključka nije inicijalizovan. ## Socket API is not initialized. Priključak je iskopčan. ## Socket has been disconnected. Host nije pronađen. ## Host not found. Nedovoljna količina memorije da se izvrši operacija. ## Not enough memory is available to complete this operation. Nepoznat način pretrage. ## Unknown search type. Nepoznat argument za dati način pretrage. ## Unknown argument for Search method. Vec pokrenuto. ## Already started. Kanal je pokrenut. ## Channel already started. Nemoguće je promeniti podešavanja kada je kanal već startovan. ## Cannot change channel setup while channel is started. Previše podataka na priključku. Pokušajte ponovo. ## Too much data on the socket. Try later. Konekcija nije uspostavljena. ## Connection not established. Nepoznati tip podataka. ## Unknown data type. Neuspešno kreiranje niti priključka. ## Failed to create socket thread. Nepoznat tip kanala. ## Unknown channel type. Ne validan argument je unet u polje LocalAddress. ## Invalid argument was supplied in LocalAddress property. Kanal je ne moguće kreirati lokalno. ## Channel cannot be created by local side. Kanal je ne moguće pokrenuti lokalno. ## Channel cannot be started by local side. Kanal jeje odbijen od udaljene strane ## Channel refused by remote side. Nepodržana verzija protokola udaljene strane ## Unsupported remote protocol version. wodVPN nije još uvek pokrenut. Pritisnite Start prvo. ## wodVPN not yet started. Use Start first. Kanal je zatvoren. ## Channel was closed. Preveliki MTU. ## MTU size too large. Premali MTU. ## MTU size too small. Nevalidan socks zahtev. ## Invalid socks request. Nevalidna lozinka. Ne odgovara lozinci udaljenog kontakta. ## Invalid password. Does not match remote peer's password. Lokalni ID nije postavljen. Potreban je za pretragu. ## Local ID not set. It is required for Search method. Udaljeni ID nije postavljen. Potreban je za pretragu. ## Remote ID not set. It is required for Search method. Ne moguće je povezivanje za naznačenu IP adresu. ## Cannot bind to specified IP address. U toku je prebacivanje datoteke. ## Already performing file transfer. Datoteka nije pronađena. ## File not found. Neuspešan upis u datoteku. ## Failed to write file. Mrežni uređaj nemoguće otvoriti. ## Could not open network adapter. Moguće je koristiti samo jedan mrežni uređaj u datom trenutku ## Only one adapter can be used at a time. Ključ licence nestao. Nemoguće koristiti ovu komponentu u datom okruzenju. ## License key missing. You can not use this component in design environment. Nepoznata greška. ## Unrecognized Error. Nije moguće priključiti se u ovom momentu. Potrebno je prvo isključiti postojeću konekciju. ## Cannot Connect at this time. Use Disconnect first. Ne može se izvršiti, konekcija nije još uspostavljena. ## Cannot execute, not yet connected. Komponenta je zauzeta. ## Component busy. Nije moguće promeniti u ovom momentu. Potrebno je prvo isključiti postojeću konekciju. ## Cannot change property at this time. Use Disconnect first. Ime hosta nije podešen. ## Hostname property not set. Login nije podešen. ## Login property not set. Šifra nije podešena. ## Password property not set. Neispravan XML paket. ## Invalid XML packet. Neispravan ID sekvenca XML paketa. ## Invalid XML packet sequence ID. Neispravna prijava: %s. ## Invalid login: %s. Kontakt već postoji u kolekciji.. ## Contact already exists in the collection. SSL nije moguće ugovoriti. ## SSL could not be negotiated. Neuspešno registrovanje novog korisnika: %s. ## Failed to register new user: %s. Nepoznato upozorenje. ## Unknown notification. Fajl nije pronađen ## File not found. Moraš odrediti tip fotografije(PNG/JPG/BMP/GIF). ## You must specify photo type (PNG/JPG/BMP/GIF). Neuspelo ubacivanje slike. ## Failed to import photo. Drugi metod blokiranja je u toku ## Another blocking method in progress. Primljen je neispravan protokol podatka. ## Invalid protocol data received. Nema šta da se šalje. Veličina fajla je 0. ## There's nothing to send. File size is 0. Kontakt nije pronađen. ## Contact not found. Prenos podataka je neuspeo. ## File transfer failed. Nemoguć upis u fajl. ## Could not write to file. Provera primljenog fajla nije uspela. ## Checksum of received file is invalid. Prenos prekinut. ## Transfer aborted. Prenos je istekao. ## Transfer has timed out. Izabran pogrešan protokol. ## Invalid protocol selected. Uređaj je već u upotrebi. ## Invalid state. Component already busy. Name not unique, cannot obtain lock. Please use different UpdaterName. ## Name not unique, cannot obtain lock. Please use different UpdaterName. Metod je otkazan ## Method was cancelled. Neuspelo pokretanje update programa. ## Failed to start updater program. Signature on retrieved document is invalid. ## Signature on retrieved document is invalid. Datum nije postavljen. ## Date not set. Failed to register COM server. ## Failed to register COM server. Page not found (error 404) returned from the server. ## Page not found (error 404) returned from the server. Invalid file size after download. ## Invalid file size after download. Invalid MD5 checksum after download. ## Invalid MD5 checksum after download. Upozorenje ## Warning Nepovezan ## Offline Povezan ## Online Odsutan ## Away Slobodan za chat. ## Free for chat Ne uznemiravaj. ## Do not disturb Dugo odsutan ## Extended away Nevidljiv ## Invisible Asking for subscription ## Asking for subscription Contact not subscribed ## Contact not subscribed Isključen sa mreze. ## Disconnected from server Konektovanje na server. ## Connecting to server Registracija novog korisnika. ## Registering new user Inicijalizacija sigurne veze . . . ## Initializing secure connection Slanje podataka o autentičnosti. ## Sending authentication data Povezivanje na server. ## Connected to server Primanje podataka sa servera. ## Receiving data from server Slanje podataka na server. ## Sending data to server Izvrsavanje komande na serveru. ## Executing command on server Isključujem se sa servera ## Disconnecting from the server Requested authorization ## Requested authorization ## Configuring Wippien network adapter... Adapter \"%s\" with address %s conflicts with Wippien's %s. It is possible that Wippien will not be able to send and receive network packets. Please uninstall or disable this adapter. ## Adapter \"%s\" with address %s conflicts with Wippien's %s. It is possible that Wippien will not be able to send and receive network packets. Please uninstall or disable this adapter. Mrežni adapter onemogućen! ## Network adapter disabled! Mrežni adapter otvoren. ## Network adapter opened Wippien network adapter not available. Proceed with IM only? ## Wippien network adapter not available. Proceed with IM only? Wippien must set up adapter IP address using external tool - and requires administrative privileges. Please run Wippien at least once as administrator in order to obtain enough permissions. ## Wippien must set up adapter IP address using external tool - and requires administrative privileges. Please run Wippien at least once as administrator in order to obtain enough permissions. Potrebne su administratorske privilegije! ## Admin privilege required! Diskonektovan ## Disconnected Konektovan ## Connected Nije dostavljena poruka. ## Could not deliver message. Promena lozinke nije uspela. ## Failed to change password Isključen zbog definisane neaktivnosti ## Disconnected due to inactivity rule %s (%d)\r\nMTU: %d\r\nTotal in: %s\r\nTotal out: %s ## %s (%d)\r\nMTU: %d\r\nTotal in: %s\r\nTotal out: %s << VPN not established yet >> ## << VPN not established yet >> Povezujem se ponovo za %d sekundi. ## Reconnect in %d seconds. sekundi ## seconds Nema mreze ## No network Izlaz iz Wippiena ## Exit Wippien I&zlaz ## E&xit Otvori podesavanja ## Open settings &Podešavanja ## &Settings Prikaži informacije o programu ## Show AboutBox &O programu... ## &About Postavite Vaš status (Nedostupan, Nevidljiv...) ## Set your status (Away,Invisible...) Dodavanje kontakata i stranih naloga ## Add contacts and alien accounts Isključi/Uključi zvuk ## Mute sound Otvori chat sobu ## Open chat room Autorizuj svoje prijatelje ## Authorize your friends Dokon ## Idle Stvarno ugasiti Wippien? ## Really exit Wippien? Jeste li sigurni? ## Are you sure? Vaša šifra je sada promenjena ## Your password is now changed. Šifra je promenjena ## Password changed Promeni šifru za ovaj nalog ## Change account password Molimo unesite novu šifru ## Please enter new password Identitet ## Identity ID Kartica ## ID Card Kućna adresa ## Home Address Poslovna adresa ## Work Address Jeste li sigurni da želite da obrišete istoriju? ## Are you sure you want to delete the history? Obrisati istoriju? ## Delete history? Pošalji ## Send Pošalji fajl ## Send file Detalji ## Details Kontakt informacije ## Contact information Očisti ## Clear Obriši istoriju ## Clear history Isključi zvukove ## Mute Bold ## Bold Italic ## Italic Podvuci ## Underline Unesi hiperlink ## Insert hyperlink Smanji veličinu fonta ## Decrease font size Resetuj veličinu fonta ## Reset font size Povećaj veličinu fonta ## Increase font size Postavi boju ispisa ## Set Foreground color Postavi boju pozadine ## Set Background color Emocije ## Emoticons Nove emocije će biti skinute i instalirane. Želite li da nastavite? ## New emoticons will be downloaded and installed. Proceed? Nove emocije. ## New emoticons Možete ponovo da kliknete na dugme emocije kako bi videli novo-instalirane emocije. ## You can now click again on emoticon button to see new installed emoticons. Gotovo! ## Done! Kontakt ## Contact Konektovanje ## Connecting Zahtevam ## Requesting Preuzimam ## Downloading Konfiguracioni fajl ## Configuration file Opšte ## General Nedostupan usled neaktivnosti. ## Away due to inactivity. Nedostupan već duže vreme. ## Away for a loooong time. dozvoli ## allow odbij ## deny nije određeno ## not specified &Gotovo ## &Finish &Dalje > ## &Next > Identitet ## Identity Please choose your logon information. ## Please choose your logon information. Ovo je prikazano u tvojoj listi prijatelja. ## This is shown on your friend's list. JID should contain server name, formatted like user@server.com ## JID should contain server name, formatted like user@server.com Invalid logon details ## Invalid logon details Morate uneti vaš JID. ## You must enter your JID. Morate uneti šifru ## You must enter your password. Jabber greška ## Jabber error Ikona ## Icon Molimo Vas, izaberite svoju ikonicu. ## Please choose your icon. Ovo je uglavnom vidljivo vašim kontaktima ## This is usually visible to your contacts. Mreža ## Network Molimo izaberite vašu IP adresu i mrežnu masku. ## Please choose your IP address and netmask. ## This defines network range to be used by wippien. Mreža ## Network Posrednik ## Mediator Izaberite moderatora. ## Please choose who will be your mediator. This defines people that mediate P2P connections. ## This defines people that mediate P2P connections. Poslednja provera ## Last check Port ## Port Hostname ## Hostname Permanent ## Permanent Temporary ## Temporary Ovde upišite sve Vaše naloge. ## Enter all your accounts here. You can add any of accounts supported by your Jabber server (typically ICQ, MSN, etc..) ## You can add any of accounts supported by your Jabber server (typically ICQ, MSN, etc..) Da li želite da izbrišete nalog '%s'? ## Are you sure you want to delete account '%s'? Obrisati registrovan nalog? ## Delete registered account? Nalozi ## Accounts Show only gateways ## Show only gateways Prikazati sve servise? ## Show all services Kontakti ## Contacts Dodaj/Ukloni ## Add/Remove Pronađi nove kontakte. ## Find new contacts. Možete dodati nove Jabber, ICQ, MSN... kontakte ## You can add new Jabber, ICQ, MSN... contacts All Files (*.*)\0*\0TXT files (*.txt)\0*.txt\0\0 ## All Files (*.*)\0*\0TXT files (*.txt)\0*.txt\0\0 All image files (*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.gif)\0*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png\0Windows bitmaps (*.bmp)\0*.bmp\0Jpeg files (*.jpg,*.jpeg)\0*.jpeg;*.jpg\0GIF files (*.gif)\0*.gif\0PNG files (*.png)\0*.png\0All Files (*.*)\0*\0\0 ## All image files (*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.gif)\0*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png\0Windows bitmaps (*.bmp)\0*.bmp\0Jpeg files (*.jpg,*.jpeg)\0*.jpeg;*.jpg\0GIF files (*.gif)\0*.gif\0PNG files (*.png)\0*.png\0All Files (*.*)\0*\0\0 Sistem ## System Logovanje ## Logging Setup log files and debug info. ## Setup log files and debug info. Odredi putanje ispod ## Specify paths below Poruke ## Messages Podešavanja prozora za ćaskanje. ## Chat window settings. Za sve otvorene prozore za ćaskanje. ## For all open chat windows. Opšte informacije ## General info Opšte informacije o ## General information about Lične informacije. ## Personal information Home details for ## Home details for Business information ## Business information Work details for ## Work details for svi ostali ## all other address given by mediator ## address given by mediator Izgled ## Appearance Skinovi ## Skins Choose skin from below list. ## Choose skin from below list. What will Wippien wear? ## What will Wippien wear? .. ništa .. ## .. none .. Auto Away ## Auto Away Auto away settings. ## Auto away settings. Determines how will Wippien behave when system is inactive. ## Determines how will Wippien behave when system is inactive. Sistem ## System Osnovne sistemske poruke. ## Basic system messages. Define Wippien application's behavior. ## Define Wippien application's behavior. Glasovni Chat. ## Voice Chat Please setup your voice chat devices. ## Please setup your voice chat devices. Choose from list below. ## Choose from list below. ## Contacts basic settings. ## Contacts basic settings. Nadgradnje ## Updates Update definitions. ## Update definitions. Odredi kad i kako će se Wippien unapređivati. ## Define when and how will Wippien update itself. ## MTU Please determine maximum transfer unit. ## Please determine maximum transfer unit. If some peer doesn't respond to large packets... ## If some peer doesn't respond to large packets... Sounds ## Sounds Setup sounds to be played on various events. ## Setup sounds to be played on various events. Choose internal ones, or browse for WAV files. ## Choose internal ones, or browse for WAV files. Kontakt je online ## Contact online Kontak je van mreze ## Contact offline Message in ## Message in Message out ## Message out Greška ## Error WAV files (*.wav)\0*.wav\0All Files (*.*)\0*\0\0 ## WAV files (*.wav)\0*.wav\0All Files (*.*)\0*\0\0 Sakrij ## Hide Sakrij kontakte. ## Hide contacts. You can hide some contacts from your sight. ## You can hide some contacts from your sight. Izgled ## Appearance Podešavanja izgleda ## Appearance settings. Define how will Wippien's GUI appear to you. ## Define how will Wippien's GUI appear to you. Sortiraj ## Sort Sortiraj kontakte ## Sorts contacts. Pick one of sort options. ## Pick one of sort options. ChatRoom ## ChatRoom Browse or create chat rooms. (STILL IN BETA!!) ## Browse or create chat rooms. (STILL IN BETA!!) Specify or browse for a room to join or create new one. ## Specify or browse for a room to join or create new one. - All gateways - ## - All gateways - Service gateway ## Service gateway Naziv sobe ## Room name Firewall ## Firewall Set up firewall rules. ## Set up firewall rules. You can set up which ports can be accessed by your contacts. ## You can set up which ports can be accessed by your contacts. * All ICMP traffic ## * All ICMP traffic But block these ports ## But block these ports But allow these ports ## But allow these ports Wippien update ## Wippien update New version of Wippien is available. Download? ## New version of Wippien is available. Download? Click here to see what's new. ## Click here to see what's new. Koristite staru verziju Wippien ## Your version of Wippien is up-to-date. Error connecting to remote server. ## Error connecting to remote server. Preuzimanje uspešno. Zameniti sad? ## Download successful. Replace now? Greška pri nadgradnji Wippien! ## Wippien update error! New version of Wippien found localy. Replace? ## New version of Wippien found localy. Replace? Nova verzija ## New version Status promenjen: ## Status changed: day ## day days ## days hour ## hour hours ## hours minute ## minute minutes ## minutes Poslednji put viđen: nikad ## Last seen: never je trenutno nepovezan ## is currently offline je sad nepovezan ## is now offline je sad povezan ## is now online je blokiran ## is blocked je nepovezan ## is offline Odblokiraj ## Unblock Blokiraj ## Block Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete grupu %s ## Are you sure you want to remove group %s Da li želite da obrišete grupu? ## Remove group? Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete kontakt %s ## Are you sure you want to remove contact %s Da li želite da obrišete kontakt? ## Remove contact? Mrežni uređaj ne radi ## Adapter error Promenite ime grupe ## Rename group Unesite novo ime grupe. ## Enter new group name Preuzmite više programkih omotača sa Wippien veb stranice. ## Download more skins from Wippien website Kliknite na omotač da ga preuzmete i instalirate. ## Click on the skin to download and install it. Poreban mi je novi Jabber nalog. ## I need new Jabber account Posedujem postojeći Jabber nalog. ## I have existing Jabber account &Isprobaj nalog ## &Test Account &Search ## &Search Potrebno je da unesete ovde vaš jabber ID (JID) . Wippien koristi Jabber mrežu da utvrdi prisustvofor - da obavesti vaše kontakte da ste prisutni, da vidite druge kontakte itd. ## You should enter your jabber ID (JID) here. Wippien uses Jabber network for presence - to notify your contacts that you're online, to view other contacts etc. Ako ne posedujete JID, trebalo bi da se prijavite za jedan. To možete da učinite na bilo kom jabber serveru. Postoje mnogi javno dostupni jabber serveri. Takođe, možete pronaći listu trenutno dostupnih servera pritiskom na ovo dugme. ## If you don't have JID, you should register for new one. You can do it on any jabber server you wish. There are many public servers available. You can find list of currently open servers by clicking on this button. JID ## JID Šifra ## Password Server ## Server Port ## Port Molim pritisnite na 'Isprobaj nalog' za nastavak. ## Please click on 'Test Account' to proceed. Koristi SSL obmotač na priključku 443 (za GTalk) ## Use SSL wrapper on port 443 (for GTalk) U &redu ## O&K &Ponisti ## &Cancel Molim unesite lozinku ## Please enter key passphrase Dodaj &Novog ## Add &New Show notification if ethernet adapter is unavailable. ## Show notification if ethernet adapter is unavailable. Isključi adapter po izlasku ## Disconnect adapter on exit UDP port fort for outoing and incoming packets (0 for auto select) ## UDP port fort for outoing and incoming packets (0 for auto select) IP address for Wippien network adapter ## IP address for Wippien network adapter Ignore. IP will be set outside of this program. ## Ignore. IP will be set outside of this program. Obtained from IP provider database, on URL ## Obtained from IP provider database, on URL Use following static address ## Use following static address IP adresa ## IP address Netmask ## Netmask Status ## Status URL ## URL Description ## Description Dodaj novi nalog. ## Add new account Ukloni nalog. ## Remove account Register! ## Register! Sadašnje IM konekcije ## Your current Instant messaging connections Username ## Username Otvori novi nalog. ## Open new account Zahtev autorizacije ## Authorization request &Yes ## &Yes &No ## &No &Details ## &Details &Apply to all ## &Apply to all &Block user(s) ## &Block user(s) Do you allow ## Do you allow to add you to his contact list? ## to add you to his contact list? jos zahteva čeka... ## more requests waiting... Dodaj grupu ## Add Group Obriši grupu ## Remove Group Dodaj kontakt ## Add Contact Dodaj kontakt u grupu ## Put contact to the group Contact JID ## Contact JID Contact Type ## Contact Type Visible Name ## Visible Name Rename contact ## Rename contact Unesi novo ime kontakta: ## Enter new contact name Settings ## Settings < &Back ## < &Back Log Jabber communication ## Log Jabber communication Log socket communication ## Log socket communication Log raw function calls (may grow quickly!) ## Log raw function calls (may grow quickly!) ## Delete raw log on each megabytes ## megabytes Log VPN communication on P2P startup ## Log VPN communication on P2P startup Following mediators can be used ## Following mediators can be used Allow new mediators to be added ## Allow new mediators to be added Various settings regarding chat window ## Various settings regarding chat window Timestamp messages ## Timestamp messages Show message history ## Show message history Nickname ## Nickname Prezime ## First name Ime ## Last name Email ## Email Notes ## Notes Address ## Address Address Ext. ## Address Ext. City ## City State ## State ZIP ## ZIP Country ## Country Birthday ## Birthday Voice Tel. ## Voice Tel. Fax ## Fax Title ## Title Ime kompanije ## Company name Department ## Department Allowed interfaces for direct connection ## Allowed interfaces for direct connection Dozvoli sve ## Allow All Klikni na prvu kolonu da promeniš vrednosti ## Click on first column to change values If you choose 'not specified' value, then same value is used as in 'all other' setting. ## If you choose 'not specified' value, then same value is used as in 'all other' setting. Following skin files are found ## Following skin files are found Apply ## Apply To add more skins, you can also paste them to 'Skin' subfolder. Add corresponding 100x100 PNG file for preview. ## To add more skins, you can also paste them to 'Skin' subfolder. Add corresponding 100x100 PNG file for preview. &More skins... ## &More skins... Set back when activity is detected again. ## Set back when activity is detected again. Wait ## Wait minutes before going to away mode (0 = disable) ## minutes before going to away mode (0 = disable) minutes before going to extended away mode (0 = disable) ## minutes before going to extended away mode (0 = disable) minutes before disconnecting (0 = disable) ## minutes before disconnecting (0 = disable) Auto-Away message ## Auto-Away message Extended-Away message ## Extended-Away message Show Wippien in taskbar ## Show Wippien in taskbar Rearrange desktop when Wippien window is aligned to border ## Rearrange desktop when Wippien window is aligned to border Snap to desktop border ## Snap to desktop border Auto hide if Wippien is inactive for ## Auto hide if Wippien is inactive for Always on top ## Always on top Confirm exit from application ## Confirm exit from application Disconnect on computer Sleep/Hibernate, Connect on Resume ## Disconnect on computer Sleep/Hibernate, Connect on Resume Password protect ## Password protect Settings only ## Settings only Everything ## Everything Settings folder (changing below value requires wippien restart) ## Settings folder (changing below value requires wippien restart) Contact list persistance ## Contact list persistance Delete all local contacts on startup ## Delete all local contacts on startup Delete all local contacts on connect ## Delete all local contacts on connect Contacts subscription authorization ## Contacts subscription authorization Never authorize ## Never authorize Pitaj me ## Ask me Always authorize ## Always authorize Automatically establish VPN on network traffic ## Automatically establish VPN on network traffic Automatically establish VPN on startup ## Automatically establish VPN on startup Progress ## Progress Dozvoli razgovor ## Enable voice chat Playback device ## Playback device Recording device ## Recording device Potraži nadgradnje pri startovanju Wippien ## Check for updates when Wippien starts Proveri za nadgradnje pri konektovanju ## Check for updates on Connect Check for updates each ## Check for updates each Update and restart application silently ## Update and restart application silently Show system messages received from updater ## Show system messages received from updater &Proveri sad ## &Check now MTU setting defines maximum UDP packet that can be sent to peers. If your network connection has lower MTU value than wippien, it is possible that peer never receives large packets. ## MTU setting defines maximum UDP packet that can be sent to peers. If your network connection has lower MTU value than wippien, it is possible that peer never receives large packets. Use fixed MTU ## Use fixed MTU Automatsko detektovanje MTU ## Auto-detect MTU (will become effective as peers reconnect) ## (will become effective as peers reconnect) Zvuk (ostavite prazno za predefinisani zvuk) ## Sound (leave empty for default sound) &Play ## &Play Program events ## Program events Sakri nov kontakt ## Hide new contact Sakri kontakt ## Unhide contact Trenutno sakriveni kontakti ## Currently hidden contacts Kontakti na ovoj listi *NIKAD* se ne prikazuju u Wippien... Ne postoje više za tebe. Na ovaj način moř]H[Yۛܚ\]HYK ## All contacts listed here *NEVER* appear in Wippien.. They don't exist for you anymore. This way you can ignore people completely. Sakrij kontakt ## Hide contact Unesite JID kontakta ## Enter contact JID Dozvoli protok saobraćaja ## Allow all traffic Zabrani sav protok saobraćaja ## Block all traffic &Add ## &Add &Remove ## &Remove Podrazumevano pravilo ## Default rule Slika Avatara ## Avatar picture Name ## Name IP adresa ## IP address Statusni tekst ## Status text Poslednji put online ## Last online time Monitor Aktivnosti ## Activity Monitor Vidljivi detalji ## Visible details Vidljivi detalji od kontakta ## Contact's visible details Nesortirano ## unsorted Po imenu ## By name Po JIDu ## By JID po IP (bez IP dole) ## by IP (without IP goes bottom) po IP (bez IP gore) ## by IP (without IP goes top) Sortiraj listu kontakata ## Sort contact list Nadimak za Chat sobe ## Nickname for chatrooms Prikaži postojeće sobe na pristupnim tačkama ## Show available rooms on following gateways Kliknite gore da izaberete sobu, ili da unesete nove dealje o sobi ispod ## Click above to select room, or enter new chat room details below Ime sobe za kreiranje ili pristupanje ## Room name to create or join Lozinka (prazna ako nepostoji) ## Password (empty if none) Gateway ## Gateway Priključi se po Kreiranju sobe ## Join or Create room Blokiraj korisnije na startu ## Block users at startup &Kopiraj IP ## &Copy IP C&hat ## C&hat Glaso&vni razgovor ## &Voice Chat Pošalji &Datoteku ## Send &File Pošalji E&mail ## Send E&mail &Block ## &Block &Rename ## &Rename &Delete ## &Delete De&tails ## De&tails Dodaj/Obriši N&aloge ## Add/Remove &Accounts Dodaj/Obriši &Kontakte ## Add/Remove &Contacts &Online ## &Online &Away ## &Away Slobodan za &Chat ## Free for &Chat &Ne uznemiravaj ## &Do not Disturb E&xtended Away ## E&xtended Away &Invisible ## &Invisible O&ffline ## O&ffline &Promenite sliku ## Change &Picture Pro&menite lozinku ## Change Pa&ssword Vaši &Detalji ## Your &Details Unesite lozinku ## Enter Passphrase Upisi lozinku ## Enter password Molim vas unesite zaštitnu lozinku ## Please enter protect password Languages ## Languages Podesite jezik korišćen u svim Wippien tekstovima. ## Setup language used in all Wippien texts. Novi jezici se periodično mogu pojaviti. ## New languages may appear periodically. Sledeći jezici se ne nalaze na ovom računaru. ## Following languages are found as available on local computer &Change ## &Change Lokalizacija korišćena na ovom računaru ## Locale used on local computer Trenutno korišćeni jezik ## Currently used language Promene će se polako preminjivati tokom rada. Potrebno je ponovo pokrenuti Wippien ako zelite potpune promene ## Changes will take affect on 'as needed' basis. You should restart Wippien if you want to see full change. Postoji novi prevodi programa. Preuzmite? ## New language files available. Download? Prikaži iskakajući prozor kada kontakt ode online/offline ## Show notification popup window when contact goes online/offline Kontakt unosi tekst... ## Contact is typing... says ## says said ## said Možete koristiti vaš GMAIL nalog ovde. ## You can use your GMAIL account here. Uključi glasovni razgovor ## Toggle voice chat Lokalni eho ## Local echo UDP priključak 9913 zauzet ## UDP port 9913 busy Ne moguće čekati dolazeći glasovni poziv ## Unable to listen for incoming voice chat Osetljivost mikrofona ## Microphone sensitivity Pričajte na vaš mikrofon i podesite klizač. Ne bi trebalo da bude kretanja na gornjem monitoru aktivnosti kad ne govorite, takođe monitor aktivnosti treba da bude popunjen kad pričate glasno. ## Talk to your microphone and adjust the slider. There should be no movement on upper activity monitor when you don't speak, and activity monitor should go full when you speak loud. Glasovni razgovor izgleda da nije podešen. Morate ga prvo podesiti pre korišćenja. Da li želite da to sada učinite? ## Voice chat does not seem to be set up. You must configure it before first use. Do it now? je uključio ## has enabled je isključio ## has disabled